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  • Writer's pictureleannv88

What do I eat? Bushrats?

Photos above top right to left - igname pile(dough) with sauce d'arachide, krinkrin (green slime) - Lasagna Primavera - Akassa with tomato sauce - rice, salad and eggplant!

Bonjour mes amis,

I want to share with you my menu of the evening. Bushrat with a side of slimy krinkrin.

Okay, all jokes aside what do I eat?? Well I cook for myself almost all the time with some exceptions of sandwiches from a food maman. I also eat a few Béninoise dishes.

Above the big picture is igname pile with sauce d'arachide. This is pounded yams and a spicy peanut sauce with cheese. The pounded yams give a Chewy delicious texture that goes well with sauce.

I also eat pate, made with corn flour and cooked into a pudding-like dough it is eaten with many sauces, there are tomato sauces, sauces with veggies and okra and sauces with meats. I usually eat it with a tomato sauce because I personally hate sauce krinkrin (greens that are boiled until they are slime)😅. Also, meat sauce can be good but I don't like fish after my choking on a bone incident.

I also cook many dishes you are familiar with like scrambled eggs, pasta, ramen, and soup of different variations. Most of these things I can find near me or in a supermarket. It's also a popular lunch food to eat a baguette with an omelette inside and it's very delicious!! My recent obsession has been eggplant. I will cook it and eat it for 3 meals a day it's so good. I even planted some so I hope it will grow well.

I haven't had much meat at all, sadly haven't tried a bushrat yet but I have eaten more pork intestines, chicken gizzards, and a pig ear now! Both are still equally unenjoyable. Chicken is so good and a treat. At my house, I eat meat maybe once a week and it's from a can, so I don't eat it much.

My local market has usually only root vegetables and onions, garlic, tomato, herbs, flour, eggs, and fruit. That's about it. I almost always just buy onions, sweet potatoes, and fruit then I'm good.

In a day I usually eat the same meal twice, for breakfast and lunch or lunch and dinner to save ingredients and pots and pans. I have no fridge or way to keep food fresh so it's just things that have to be eaten or thrown out!

Day in my life of food!

Breakfast 7 or 10 am

Beans or eggs or peanut butter or leftovers

Lunch 12:30

Leftovers or ramen or fried sweet potato

Dinner 19:00

If I'm really happy I'll make curry with tomato paste onions seasonings and whatever veggies I can or beans or canned soup, or pasta/ramen that I continually experiment with.

Next time !

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